As several of us gathered at the synagogue on this morning we had the regular minyan service that takes place every morning followed by a brief continental breakfast with a lecture given by someone who has written about The Blessing of the Sun. We then went outside for a brief service and were instructed that we were not to look directly at the sun but to be instead in it's presence. It is important to remember at the end when we bow during Aleinu that we make sure we do not appear to be bowing to the sun but rather to G-d our Creator.
Scriptures that are read:
Genesis 1:14-18
Jeremiah 31:35-38
Psalm 136:1-9
There are prayers read, one being:
Barukh Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam,
Oseh ma'asei v'reisheet
(Praised are You, Almighty G-d Ruler of the Universe,
Who carries on the constantly unfolding work of Creation)
There are several other prayers and songs read and sung during this service that lasts about 20 minutes.
We always end our services with Aleinu (this is a transliterated portion that we chant in Hebrew):
Aleinu l'shabe-ah la'adon ha-kol, la-tet g'dulah l'yotzer b'reshit
she-lo asanu k'gyei ha-aratzot
v'lo samanu k'mishop'hot ha'adamah
she-lo sahm helkenu kahem, v'goralenu k'khol hamonam
(we then bow for the next line)
Va-anahnu kor'im u-mishtahavim u-modim
lifnei melekh malkhei ha-m'lakhim, Ha-kadosh Barukh Hu
This is the English version:
We rise to our duty to praise the Master of all, to acclaim the Creator, G-d made our lot unlike that of other people, assigning to us a unique destiny. We bend the knee and bow, acknowledging that Supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, exalted, who spread out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth; whose glorious abode is in the highest heaven, whose mighty dominion is in the loftiest heights. This is our G-d; there is no other, In truth, G-d alone is our Ruler, as is written in the Torah: "Know this day and take it to heart that Adonai is G-d in the heaven above and on earth below; there is no other.
This was an interesting service to attend. It is supposed to be done at sunrise but no later than 12:00 noon. I still have a lot to read on this subject as I like to do when learning something new. So hopefully, in 28 years when this happens again I'll know a lot more.