Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pesach and Seders

Pesach is one of the 3 pilgrimage festivals, also known as Shalosh R’galim and in English is known as Passover. This holiday commemorates the Exodus of Egypt. It’s also known as the beginning of the harvest season. A Pesach Seder is written in a book called the Haggadah. Pesach begins on the 15th day of the month of Nissan. Pesach comes from the Hebrew root word Peh-Samach-Chet which means to pass through or over in order to exempt to spare. G-d passed over the Jews homes when he was slaying the first born of Egypt.

Words to Identify With:

Seder – The first night of Pesach there is a special family meal (friends are often invited). The meal is called a Seder which comes from the root word meaning “order” because there is a specific order that is discussed around the table.

Seder Plate – A Seder plate has 6 circles or sections for the different herbs and foods;

  • Maror; bitter herbs – most often used is horseradish. This symbolizes the bitterness of slavery.
  • Z’roa; Charoset; Chazeret; Karpass; vegetable (most often used is parsley – this is usually dipped in salt water before eating). This vegetable symbolizes the origins of the Jews.
  • The salt water symbolizes the tears shed about the Jews slavery.
  • Some people place an orange on the Seder plate. It is placed on the Seder plate to represent a conversation that took place at the Jewish Theological Seminary where someone many years ago asked if women would ever be admitted into the college to become rabbis and someone said that would be like an orange on a Seder plate. There is a little more to this story but this is the foundation of the story. And YES Reform, Conservative and Reconstuctionist Jews allow women to be rabbis!!!

Haggadah – The book that is read from during the Seder

The Four Questions – Also known as Mah Nishtanah (Why is it different?) are the first words to the 4 questions.

“The maggid is designed to satisfy the needs of 4 different types of people:

  1. The wise one, who wants to know the technical details
  2. The wicked one, who excludes himself (and he learns the penalty for doing so)
  3. The simple one, who needs to know the basics
  4. The one who is unable to ask, who doesn’t even know enough to know what he needs to know.”

A blessing is recited over a second cup of wine at the end of the maggid and then drunk.

My first Seder I attended was interesting yet awkward. I knew about the food and story of the Jews freedom from slavery out of Egypt. Interesting yet awkward at the same time listening and talking with others on how they felt enslaved. Thinking about how I feel enslaved in everyday life made me think later on as I went home that my idea of being enslaved is nothing compared to what Moses went through as well as the Jews who fled Egypt and slavery. We all have/had pain and suffering in our lives.

I have since been to several Seders and I have yet to feel completely comfortable. I don't know if part of it is because I don't have those family traditions of growing up Jewish that others have and I'm just starting to make my own. I know I don't like to see people stressed out over preparing for hosting Seders and I have seen that over the years. Sometimes we just have to let things happen and go with the flow. I'm also still not comfortable with the reading of the Haggadah as everyone uses something different whether it is purchased, from the Internet or they write their own. But I'm still attending Seders and I do find something I enjoy about each one I attend.

Maybe I’ll have a doggie Seder – yeah seriously – animals are G-d’s creatures too!

Well this statement alone was enough to send the rabbi I converted with into a frenzy even to the point of not wanting me to mention this to other rabbis because she felt they would not approve. First off she wasn't an animal person (hmmm... I love animals, especially my dogs). We never did come to an agreement on this topic and it was an obstacle to overcome because our views are very different. I have since learned having mentioned this to a few rabbis since my conversion this is not true. I have found other rabbis who are fine with my feelings towards dogs.

But as far as a doggie Seder my beliefs are:

All animals are G-d’s creatures. I’m sure animals of all kinds were on the journey out of Egypt. I have heard of one company who has dog food for dogs specifically for Pesach. If you think about it humans aren’t supposed to have chametz during Pesach so why should dogs and most dog foods (at least what I feed my dogs) does. So why not try to include them. My dogs like matzoh balls and really love the soup base. I love and adore animals and treat them as family so for me it would be natural to include them. After all my dogs have a Hebrew name as either their first or middle name. Maybe this is something only animal lovers can understand but my dogs are a very important part of my life – after all they get Chanukah presents. We should celebrate all life whether human or animals all the time but especially Pesach and the High Holy Days.

I am part of a list serv where I can talk about these topics. I really enjoy this forum as it gives me a safe place that I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts and concerns. I have found much support for things I struggled with while going through my conversion as well as things I face now after having formally converted. I recently posted my thoughts on Seders and brought up this Doggie Seder and someone responded with one of the best responses I have ever received. She suggested I could write an animal-centered one, and include some of the history of animal rights in Judaism. And the comment that really got my attention was her suggestion of using a Milk-Bone as the shank bone. And you know, I think I'll take her up on her suggestion and give it a try.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Pesach (Passover) is just around the corner and I'm already starting to prepare my house. I have said I will get a head start this year on my cleaning so I'm not waiting until the last minute. There are a lot of things to do for preparation. It is now the Jewish Year 5769 and Pesach begins at sunset April 8, 2009 - nightfall April 16, 2009. There are many things that have to be done in preparation for Pesach and here are some of those:

Removal of Chametz
When wheat, barley, oats, rye or spelt come in contact with water after being cut off from the ground, it becomes fermented or chametz. Any dishes and utensils that have come in contact with chametz food during the year.

Matzah is made from barley, oats or rye but because it is mixed with water and baked in less than 18 minutes it can be eaten.

Ashkenazim and Sephardic Jews
There are Ashkenazim and Sephardic Jews and during Pesach Ashkenazim Jews do not eat beans, rice, corn or peas. Sephardic Jews do. I tend to go towards the Ashkenazim beliefs since most of the Jews I know are. The rabbis for Ashkenazim Jews did not allow these to be eaten because in the past flour was made from them. Peanut oil may be used if prepared under rabbinic supervision and properly certified because they aren't considered legumes.

Homes must be cleaned thoroughly
Removing all chametz from your home. We are not allowed to even have it in our possession during Pesach. There are rituals that people partake in for this preparation.

Bedikat Chametz: Tuesday night, April 7
Families will normally play a game with the children (if any are in the home) where they search for chametz using a candle, feather and disposable spoon. This is done to ensure all chametz is removed. I have mostly seen this activity done on the first night of Pesach but it should be done on the eve of Pesach.

Burning of Chametz
The burning of chametz is to be completed Wednesday morning. A prayer called Be’ur Chametz is then said. After this has been completed no chametz, dishes, pots or utensils used for chametz are allowed to be used.

Mechirat Chametz
Since it may not always be financially economical to get rid of all the chametz the rabbis ordained a symbolic sale and later buy-back of chametz. You can sell or buy back your chametz after Pesach. Another work around I have seen used is removing the chametz to a sealed container and placing in an unutilized room and not entering the room during Pesach. This is what I do or I move it to my parents house and bring it back after Pesach. Face it when you have to remove all these items and when I learned how many things have corn/corn oil in them that is a lot of food to remove. This is why I start now not buying foods with these products in them.

There are several foods that require rabbinic supervision.
Some of them are: Matzah, noodles, candies, cakes, beverages, canned and processed foods, butter, jam, cheese, jelly, relishes, wines, liquors, salad oils, canned vegetables, gelatin, shortening and vinegar. If the “Kosher L’Pesach” label or tag is not on the item then it is not considered Kosher.

The foods that are not to be used during Pesach are:
leavened bread, cakes, biscuits, crackers, cereals, wheat, barley, oats, rye, spelt, rice, peas, dried beans and liquids which contain ingredients made from grain alcohol.

There are foods that do not need certification and they are:
Natural coffee, sugar (but not confectioners or brown sugar), saccharin, tea, salt, pepper, vegetables (dried beans and peas are forbidden, string beans are permitted), garlic, onion powder, dried fruit, honey, Hershey’s cocoa, safflower or soy bean oil, nuts (except legumes), dish detergents and scouring powders. We are to buy these items before Pesach and are to remain unopened until Pesach. Fresh fruits and vegetables are permitted for Pesach or if they are packaged in water or their own juices.

Tuna and Salmon can be used provided:
It is packed in spring water and not packed in oil.

Milk without a kescher label may be used provided:
It is purchased before Pesach beings but is not to be bought during Pesach. This is a hard one for me because I love milk but I manage.

Plates, Pots, Pans and Utensils
Which have not been used for over a year may be used if cleaned in very hot water.

Glasses are permitted after thoroughly cleaning and some people soak their glasses for 72 hours before Pesach.

Ovens/Microwave Ovens
These need to be thoroughly cleaned. Some people put a bowl of hot water in the oven and allowing it to boil.
You are to run your dishwasher with nothing in it twice - once with detergent and once without.
Electrical Appliances
If the parts came in contact with chametz they are to be cleaned thoroughly.
Removal of all chametz food and opened packages. Then you are to clean with boiling water and scour the racks.

Here are some pronunciations of some of the Hebrew words that are used (please remember depending on where one lives can affect the pronunciation). Blogger is being stubborn so I have listed each word in Hebrew first, then the meaning and finally the pronunciation.
Pesach Passover PAY-sahkh or PEH-sahkh
Matzah Unleavened bread MAHTZ-uh
Chametz Leavened things KHUH-mitz
Seder Dinner at a home 1st 2 nights SAY-d'r
Haggadah Book read during the seder huh-GAH-duh

So this is what takes place prior to Pesach. There is much more to come on this topic as for what is done at Seders. This is by no means everything and as I researched the best way to describe what is entailed I took bits and pieces from various sources (one being my synagogue's instructions - hopefully they don't mind) and tried to put this into the easiest translation for those not familiar with Pesach to understand. If you are Jewish then this should be familiar to you and you may have begun or are beginning to prepare for Pesach as I have. For those unfamiliar with Pesach this probably seems over the top so to speak and you may wonder how can one do all this. My response is it takes a lot of discipline and effort but once you get used to doing this each year it becomes natural and just habit. Admittedly, it is hard the first few times and it is something you have to get in the routine in doing.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Purim is upon us and begins at sundown on Monday, March 9 and ends March 10. So what is Purim? I will do my best to explain it as best I can. I have taken some things written from a daily email I receive called Jewish Treats. They seem to have the simplest explanation to use.

There are 4 mitzvot associated with the holiday:

  • Megillah Reading of the Book of Esther – The Megillah is read twice on Purim, once at sundown on March 9th and then once during the day on March 10th. In order to properly fulfill the mitzvah of Megillah, it is necessary to hear every word during the reading. For this reason it is important that people do not talk to each other during the Megillah reading.

  • Mishloach Manot/Shalach Manos - Sending Gifts – Every Jew is obligated to give at least one Mishloach Manot gift containing at least two different types of ready-to-eat food items. Matanot La'evyonim - Gifts to the Poor – Giving to the poor is a mitzvah all year round. However, the mitzvah to do so on Purim is in addition to the general mitzvah of tzedakah (charity). To properly fulfill the mitzvah of Matanot La'evyonim one must give to 2 poor individuals. Although one may fulfill this mitzvah by giving a very minimal amount of money to each person, the sages noted that the highest form of fulfilling this mitzvah is by giving enough money for a meal, or the equivalent in food. This mitzvah may be fulfilled by donating beforehand to an organization that will distribute the money or food on Purim day.

  • Seudah - Festive Meal – One is obligated to partake in a festive meal on Purim day. The bare minimum to fulfill this mitzvah requires that one ritually wash (netillat yadayim), eat bread and then recite the Birkat Hamazon , the Grace after Meals.

  • Drinking at the Purim Meal – "A person should drink on Purim up to the point where they cannot tell the difference between ‘Blessed is Mordechai' and ‘Cursed is Haman.' (Talmud Megillah 7a and Shulchan Aruch --Code of Jewish Law). On Purim, one is commanded to drink wine to a point of inebriation* – generally, this is interpreted as drinking more than one usually would or enough to make one sleepy. While drinking on Purim is a mitzvah, risking one's life is not. Whether host or guest, it is important to be responsible:1-Do not drink and drive. 2-Beware of underage drinking. While Purim is a religious holiday, and underage alcohol consumption is allowed by some for religious occasions, adults are still responsible for minors. Please do not give young people liquor beyond the bare minimum. Remember, as well, that our children are influenced by our behavior.

So that is the explanation of Purim. Now for what actually happens at the synagogues is probably similar but I'll tell you what mine is having.

They're having a kids carnival right before sundown that continues to when the Megillah reading is done. People (kids and adults) are encouraged to dress up in costumes (just as one would for Halloween) and come to the carnival and then stay for the Megillah reading. The carnival will last for about 2-3 hours and overlap with adult events (there are educators in charge of the kids so the parents may participate in the adult activities). The kids get a kid version of the Megillah reading so they don't have to sit with the adults. The adult Megillah reading lasts about 2 hours as well. Then following the reading there is a party and we have a Reggae Band (mostly members of our congregation) with food and drinks.

Now for those that are reading this and are thinking every Jewish person will be drunk Monday night please don't think that. Responsibility is encouraged and enforced. At the synagogue I attend (and every other synagogue I've ever attended) there is security and most of the time they are police officers so they're definitely not going to let someone leave who has had too much to drink. At the same time I've never seen anyone drunk at any function I've attended and we have wine/alcohol available after every service. So don't be alarmed. And most parents (at least the ones I know) don't give their child(ren) alcohol. These are old customs and are modernized for today's time.

To me Purim comes down to celebrating along with prayer. I haven't fully gotten into this holiday but I normally attend some part of the celebration. I do like the reading of Esther and they way it's presented. It's not just someone reading from the Tanekh (Jewish Bible), it's made more entertaining and keeps your attention. After all it lasts almost 2 hours it has to.