Sunday, February 1, 2009

Religious Fanatics

I'm finally back on my blog. Blogger has been giving me some trouble about signing on but maybe I've figured out the problem and fixed it.

Let me start out by saying this is not a post bad mouthing any religion but is about PEOPLE who bad mouth religion and more so other peoples faith/religion.

Lately, I've been dealing with some religious fanatics and it's really been disturbing me because these people are supposed to be my personal friends so they know me and have known me for years (actually decades). I believe everyone has a right to their opinion and their beliefs. At the same time I know which of my personal friends I can engage in religious or political conversations and which ones I can't. I should say most of my friends are respectful of others beliefs (not just mine) but I have a few friends that can't see beyond their own because they won't take their blinders off. I continually get religious emails (and yes they are from Christian friends), mainly from 3 friends of mine. I have talked to them endlessly trying to explain to them that not everyone feels and believes the same as they do and that it would be nice for them to be respectful of mine and others beliefs since they want me and others to be respectful of theirs. So today I'm on my Facebook page and one of these friends had previously asked me to check out her page so I found time today to do so. Well, I get on there and am looking around to try to find what she wanted me to look at and one of her friends is talking about Jews missing the boat at well as Roman Catholics and as I looked at who was saying this their title is Rev. Needless to say I never found what she wanted me to look at as I closed her page in disgust. Then tonight on my personal email she sends me a religious email on Jesus. I simply replied in 2 sentences - one being Interesting and the second very politely reminding her I would prefer her not to send me religious emails. So why is it some people want everyone to believe as they do? She is a good person but it is so hard for me to engage in any conversation with her without her turning it into something about Christianity.

Now to be fair I have been in a class at the synagogue I attend where some of the people were bad mouthing Christians. That is just as disturbing to me as what my friends are doing. I sat through 2 sessions of a class before I said I was done and didn't return. I was new to the synagogue and still in my conversion process so I don't believe anyone knew I was converting. I wanted to say something but being new I was afraid to. Now, I would definitely say something. What affected me more was the person teaching the class allowed for the remarks to continue without any attempt to derail the conversation. And I have to say I've never been back to a class since and I don't go to the Torah study session on Saturday mornings opting to stay in the sanctuary for the entire service. The rabbis keep asking for volunteers to teach Torah study on Saturdays and I just chuckle under my breath because I know I'm not someone they want to approach.

I will say most of the people at my synagogue are supportive and helpful of those converting. I'm not saying everyone is because I'm sure there are those who aren't but I just haven't met them over 3 years later.

I have friends who are Jewish, Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, Buddhist, Catholic and many other beliefs and for the most part we are all respectful of one another's beliefs and with the exception of these few friends we can engage in religious conversations that never end up in an argument but rather end with most of us learning something we didn't already know.

So that is my soapbox for the moment.


  1. I can't imagine how hard it must be having people you have known for decades trying to dissuade you from your religeon. I have been a Catholic since I was born and went to Catholic schools so I have never known that sort of (well, it's almost bullying isn't it!). You have one person's support Angela :D

  2. Very interesting Blog. Welcome to the wonderful world of being Jewish. Encounters with people as you described in your note are part of the territory. When it happens to me I don't argue.. I look at it as if they are tying to do a Mitzvah in there eyes. Your friend who is attempting to guide you is being disrespectful but to her she is doing a good deed. It is misguided and disrespectful but hopefully by spinning to yourself in a way that doesn't make your friend into such a bad person may allow you to let her comments roll of your back. Hope that makes sense.
