How do I feel in a Jewish prayer service?
Peaceful. It’s my time to meditate and join with others to worship G-d. Over the years I have learned the prayers and their meanings the prayers. Understanding what I’m saying when I pray is when the meanings of the words really connect with me. Most of the prayers are said in Hebrew but the Siddur has transliteration for several prayers and there is English interpretation as well.
What do I think is the purpose of prayer?
To remember G-d’s law and what G-d wants us to do in our everyday lives to make this world a better place. To connect and reconnect with G-d and disconnect with the madness of our everyday lives.
Some Jewish terms for either parts of the worship service and items used in worship are:
The book containing prayers recited daily, on Shabbat and festivals.
A special prayer book used on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This book has seasonal prayers, melodies and readings for High Holy Days.
Means little morning. Traditional prayers said each morning.
Afternoon prayer service.
Evening prayer service held after sundown.
What is the importance of Sh’Ma and when is it recited?
This is the main prayer with verses that come from Deuteronomy. This prayer declares one’s faith in G-d and is recited daily. The following is the first verse with Hebrew transliteration and in English:
"Sh-ma Yis-ra-el A-doh-nai Eh-lo-hay-nu A-doh-nai Echad "
"Hear O Israel, the Lord is Our God, the Lord is One"(Deuteronomy 6:4)
What is a Kippah and when is it worn?
A round covering worn on the head as a symbol of respect and religious observance in the shul. Men are always asked to wear one and for women it’s optional. Also known as a yarmulke or skullcap. I wear a kippah at each service.
What is a Tallit and when is it worn?
A prayer shawl with four fringes that lays across the shoulders. Only worn by Jews. It is required that all Jewish males wear during the service and is optional for women. I will probably get my own even though the synagogue has them available at services.
What are Tefillin and when are they worn?
A pair of small black leather boxes containing pieces of parchment that has verses from the Torah inscribed in them. To lay Tefillin one would wrap the straps to their arm and forehead while reciting prayers except on Shabbat or holidays. Mostly men of very observant faith wear them but some synagogues do allow women to wear them as well.
Aron Kodesh
Holy Ark which is the cabinet that houses the Torah Scrolls and faces east toward Jerusalem.
Ner Tamid
The eternal light in front of the Ark that is always lit.
What is B’Racha and what things or experiences are B’Rachot recited?
These are prayers that thank G-d celebrating for almost anything or any event, i.e. bountiful harvest and allowing us to live for any joyous event and more, engagements, anniversaries, birthdays, etc.
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